Vegetables – Produce – 「野菜・菜園」 を英語で表現 – キッズ英会話フレーズ集


Vegetables – Produce – 「野菜・菜園」 を英語で表現 – キッズ英会話フレーズ集

レベル: 小学4年生
子供たちの 生活に密接な トピックスで 英会話 個人レッスンを進めよう! フリーカンバセーションに役立つ 語い、フレーズを掲載。 発音記号と、英英辞典の引用もあるので、日常英会話の学習にも役立ちます。

ジャガイモや トマトなど、身近な野菜の 育て方や、料理方法を 子供たちと英語で話してみましょう。

Q. Garden 菜園Farm 農園 の違いはなにですか?
A. Garden は 個人用の野菜や果物を育てる土地で、 Farm は 流通用の 野菜や果物を育てる土地です。

plant a garden ガーデニングをする庭に植物を植え育てる
ex) We planted a small garden in our backyard.
裏庭に 小さなガーデニング用スペースを設けた

garden /ˈgɑɚdn̩/: an area of ground where plants (such as flowers or vegetables) are grown
ex) These indoor herb garden ideas and kits will have you feeling like a green thumb.

アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #895

green thumb 園芸植物栽培の才能
ex) We have gardening tips from a top-notch green thumb.
園芸に詳しい人たちから得た ガーデニングに関する情報を持っている

green thumb /ˈθʌm/: an unusual ability to make plants grow
ex) Thanks to my mother’s green thumb, we usually had vegetables fresh from the garden.


アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #894

top-notch 一流の最高の
ex) Their food is topnotch and atmosphere is down-to-earth.

top–notch /ˈtɑːpˈnɑːtʃ/: of the best quality
ex) We provided top-notch lawn and garden work for our property.

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vegetable 野菜
ex) The doctor said I should eat more fruits and vegetables.
その医師は 私に もっと果物と野菜を摂るように 言った

vegetable: a plant or plant part that is eaten as food
ex) Botabically is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?
植物学の立場から見て トマトは果物ですか、野菜ですか?

root vegetables 根菜
ex) Root vegetables are a good source of healthy carbohydrates.
根菜は 良質な炭水化物の根源です

root vegetables /ˈruːt/: edible plants that grow underground
ex) Root vegetables are an excellent source of energy.

onion 玉ねぎ
ex) The best place to store onions is in a pantry.
玉ねぎを保存するのに 最適な場所は 食料貯蔵室だ

Pronunciation: onion /ˈʌnjən/ – canion /ˈkænjən/ – opinion /əˈpɪnjən/

onion /ˈʌnjən/: a round vegetable that is usually white, yellow, or red and has a strong smell and taste
ex) The recipe calls for chopped onions.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #1,556

call for 呼び求める必要とする
ex) You may have noticed that many Chinese recipes call for vegetables to be cut on the diagonal.
多くの中華料理のレシピは 野菜を斜めに切ることが 必要とされる

call for /ˈkɑːl/: to say or demand publicly that something is needed or should be done
ex) Many roasted vegetable recipes call for favorite fall vegetables like carrots.

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stem vegetable 茎菜
ex) Stem vegetables are almost entirely (all) edible.
茎菜は ほとんど全体を 食べることができます

stem vegetables /ˈstɛm/ : food plants from which edible botanical stems are harvested for use in culinary preparations
ex) Stem vegetables are the above-ground stem or stalk of a plant.

asparagus   アスパラガス
ex) Roasted asparagus is the perfect springtime side dish.

asparagus /əˈsperəgəs/: a plant with long green stems and tiny leaves at one end that is cooked and eaten as a vegetable
ex) When cooking asparagus, you can tie them into little bundles.

cherry tomato プチトマト
ex) Is a cherry tomato a fruit or a vegetable?
プチトマトは 果物ですか、野菜ですか?

cherry tomato /ˈCHerē təˈˌmādō/: a spherical miniature tomato. The fruit is glossy red, or occasionally yellow, and typically eaten in salad
ex) Cherry tomatoes are fruits that are considered vegetables by nutritionists.

celery セロリ
ex) Celery is also great raw.
セロリは 生で食べても 美味しい

Pronunciation: celery /ˈsɛləri/ – salary /ˈsæləri/ – Calgary /ˈkælgəri/

celery /ˈsɛləri/: a vegetable that is grown for its long light green stems
ex) Cooking sweetens celery while giving it a hint more of an herbaceous character.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000

Advanced English Expressions – #414

herbaceous 草の葉のようなハーブ・薬草の
ex) I’ve added a bit of lemon and herbaceous flavor of the celery.
レモンと ハーブの香りのする セロリを足した

herbaceous /hɚˈbeɪʃəs/: relating to herbs
ex) Celery is a herbaceous edible biennial plant.

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kale ケール (青汁の材料)
ex) Kale is really delicious in salad and soups.
ケールは サラダやスープに入れると 美味しい

kale /ˈkeɪl/: a type of cabbage that has wrinkled leaves
ex) Kale is the king of nutrient-dense (full of nutrients) leafy greens.

spinach ほうれん草
ex) Spinach is an especially popular crop for fall.
ほうれん草は 秋の収穫野菜として 人気がある

Pronunciation: spinach /ˈspɪnɪtʃ/ – cabbage /ˈkæbɪʤ/ – linkage /ˈlɪŋkɪʤ/

spinach /ˈspɪnɪtʃ/: a plant with dark green leaves that are eaten as a vegetable
ex) Spinach yields many leaves in a short time.

yield  (農作物など)生産産出する
ex) 2 pounds of seed potatoes yields about 50 pounds of potatoes.
2ポンドの 種芋が 50ポンドの ジャガイモを産出した

yield /ˈjiːld/: to produce or provide (something, such as a plant or crop)
ex) The peach trees yielded an abundant harvest.

cabbage キャベツ
ex) Grow cabbage in spring so that it comes to harvest before the summer heat.
夏の酷暑の前に収穫するために 春にキャベツを育てよう

ex) There are a variety of cabbages to try, including red cabbage and green cabbage hybrids.
赤キャベツと 緑キャベツの 掛け合わせ のように 食用キャベツには 様々な種類がある

cabbage /ˈkæbɪʤ/: a leafy vegetable that has several forms
ex) How long does it take to boil shredded cabbage?

cabbage patch キャベツ畑
ex) Your cabbage patch will perform best if you keep your garden well tended.

cabbage patch /ˈkæbɪʤ/: a plot of land on which cabbage is grown
ex) Numerous varieties of cabbages could be found in the patch, and picking them would increase the cabbage picking skill.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000

Advanced English Expressions – #1,151

patch (畑の)1区画、(1区画の)土地継ぎ当て用の布(片)
ex) Come enjoy fall festivities at this family-owned pumpkin patch.
家族経営の カボチャ畑 で開かれる 秋の祭典に 来てください

patch /ˈpætʃ/ : a small area of land where a particular fruit or vegetable grows
ex) Your admission provides access to the pumpkin patch and feeding of the exotic animals.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #892

produce aisle (スーパーなどの)農産物売り場
ex) The produce aisle is usually different from other aisles in a supermarket.
スーパーで 農産物売り場は 他の売り場と 異なっている場合が多い

produce /ˈproʊˌduːs/: fresh fruits and vegetables
ex) Grocery stores might have packaged fresh produce in the produce section.

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cauliflower   カリフラワー
ex) Cauliflower requires even moisture, so don’t let it dry out.

Pronunciation: cauliflower /ˈkɑːlɪˌflawɚ/ – caught /ˈkɑːt/ – caution /ˈkɑːʃən/

cauliflower /ˈkɑːlɪˌflawɚ/: a vegetable that is grown for its head of white flowers
ex) Cauliflower comes in some interesting varieties, including orange and purple.

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