英会話 例文集 for Moms > Non-Bake Cheesecakes – 「レアチーズケーキを焼く」 を英語で表現
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Non-Bake Cheesecakes – 「レアチーズケーキを焼く」 を英語で表現
ex) This cheesecake is adorned with blueberries and a strawberry.
このチーズケーキは ブルーベリーと、イチゴで装飾されている
cheesecake /ˈtʃiːzˌkeɪk/: a cake with a sweet filling usually made of cheese, eggs, and sugar
ex) The Brooklyn restaurant has become a New York cheesecake destination.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #423
□ adorn 装飾する
ex) The flavors of blueberries and lemon adorn this silky cheesecake.
ブルーベリーとレモンの香りが この滑らかな チーズケーキを飾り立てている
adorn /əˈdoɚn/: to make (someone or something) more attractive by adding something beautiful
ex) These cake artisans adorn cheesecakes with intricate hand-sculpted chocolate.
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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,391
□ no-bake cheesecake レアチーズケーキ
ex) The texture of a no-bake cheesecake is not as dense as a baked cheesecake
レアチーズケーキの食感は 焼いたのチーズケーキ ほど ずっしり感がない
bake /ˈbeɪk/: to make (food, such as bread and cake) by preparing a dough, batter, etc., and cooking it in an oven using dry heat
ex) No-bake cheesecakes are called rare cheesecakes in Japan.
ex) The added cornstarch helps to keep the cheesecake from cracking.
コーンスターチを加えることによって チーズケーキの 表面が割れることを防ぐことができる
cornstarch /ˈkoɚnˌstɑɚtʃ/: a fine powder made from corn (sense 1) that is used in cooking especially to make liquids thicker
ex) How much cornstarch do you put in cheesecake?
ex) This crust will fit into a 10 inch pan.
このパイ皮は 10インチの 鍋に適している
crust /ˈkrʌst/: : the outside part of a pie
ex) This sweet, buttery crust is easy to make and the perfect complement to so many fillings.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #305
□ crust パンの耳
ex) Her children prefer to eat their sandwiches with the crust cut off.
子供たちは パンの耳を 取って食べるのが好きだ
crust /ˈkrʌst/: the hard outer surface of bread
ex) Make it use a serrated knife to remove bread crust.
ex) I recommend that you use the aluminum foil wrap around the cheesecake pan.
チーズケーキの平鍋を アルミ箔で 包むことを推薦します
aluminum /əˈluːmənəm/: a silver metal that is strong and light and that is used for making many products — often used before another noun
ex) Can I use aluminum foil instead of parchment paper for cheesecake?
ex) This decadent cheesecake positively melts in the mouth.
この贅沢なチーズケーキは 口の中で溶ける感覚が良い
melt /ˈmɛlt/: to gradually become less or go away
ex) Foods I classify as meltable textures literally melt in your mouth.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,262
□ melt-in-your-mouth texture 口の中で溶ける食感
ex) What makes this chocolate cake extra special is its melt-in-your mouth texture.
texture /ˈtɛkstʃɚ/: the way that something feels when you touch it
ex) With its melt-in-your-mouth texture and delectably rich flavor, this is the ultimate toffee!
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #599
□ delectable (飲食物)美味しい、美味しそうな
ex) The meals he prepares are always delectable.
彼の料理する 食事はいつも美味しい
delectable /dɪˈlɛktəbəl/: very pleasant to taste or smell
ex) The restaurant offers a large variety of delectable cuisine choices.
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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #905
□ off-brand ノーブランドの、商標のない
ex) I don’t think I’ve ever used an off-brand cheesecake mixes.
ノーブランドのチーズケーキミックスは 使ったことがない
off–brand /ˈɑːfˌbrænd/: not sold or made under a particular brand name
ex) I’ve also made cheesecakes with local brands and off brands and been perfectly happy.

piping bag
□ piping bag 絞り袋
ex) Slowly squeeze the cream-filled piping bag.
クリームを詰めた 絞り袋を ゆっくり 絞って
piping bag /ˈpaɪp/: a kitchen tool used for decorating cakes, pies, cookies, and other pastries
ex) To make filling your piping bag easier, stand it upright in a mug or tall glass.
□ pipe (絞り袋を使って) ケーキなどを 飾り付ける
ex) Pipe a batch of luscious cream on the cheese cake .
一焼き分の 甘いクリームを エクレアの中に 絞り袋を使って入れて
pipe /ˈpaɪp/: to decorate a cake, cookie, etc., with a line of (something, such as cream or frosting) by using a special bag or tube
ex) I piped the frosting around the edge of the cake.
□ be garnished with … … が添えられている
ex) The fruitcake is garnished with cherries.
フルーツケーキに チェリーが添えられている
garnish /ˈgɑɚnɪʃ/: to put something on (food) as a decoration
ex) Garnish the cake with chocolate curls.
ex) The cheesecakes should be uniform in size.
チーズケーキのサイズは 均一でなくてはならない
= The cheesecakes should be of uniform size.
uniform /ˈjuːnəˌfoɚm/: not varying or changing : staying the same at all times, in all places, or for all parts or members
ex) Add egg and vanilla and beat just until uniform.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #688
□ luscious 美味しい
ex) This cheesecake is creamy and luscious.
このチーズケーキは クリーミーで美味しい
luscious /ˈlʌʃəs/: having a very appealing taste or smell
ex) Get the luscious velvety texture of a rich cheesecake with less fat.
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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,463
□ mouthfeel(飲食物)口当たり
ex) The mouthfeel remains rich and decadent.
濃厚で 贅沢な口当たりが残る
mouthfeel /ˈmouTHfēl/: the physical sensations in the mouth produced by a particular food
ex) The mouthfeel is fragrant and soft, a perfect denouement to any meal.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #1,039
□ strach (小麦の)でんぷん
ex) A small amount of starch such as arrowroot can be found in some cheesecake recipes to help stabilize the gel.
ゼラチンを固定させるために クズウコンの根 のように 少量の でんぷんが チーズケーキに 含まれる場合もある
starch /ˈstɑɚtʃ/ : a substance that is found in certain foods (such as bread, rice, and potatoes)
ex) They tried to limit starch [=starchy foods] in their diet.
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ex) These recipes for gelatin cheesecake that won’t break your budget.
ゼラチンを使った レアチーズケーキ を作るのに お金は それほどかからない
gelatin /ˈʤɛlətən/: a clear substance that is made by boiling animal bones or tissues and that is used in making jelly
ex) For no- bake cheesecakes, the gelatin is used to help the mixture set up when the cake is refrigerated.
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