High Bar – Back Hip Circle – 「鉄棒・逆上がり・前回り」 を英語で表現 – キッズ英会話フレーズ集


キッズ英会話情報集 > > High Bar – Back Hip Circle – 「鉄棒・逆上がり・前回り」 を英語で表現

レベル:英語経験3年以上の 小学生
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子供たちにとって鉄棒は もっとも身近な運動器具。 前回りや 逆上がりなど、鉄棒の動作を英語で表現してみよう!

High Bar – Back Hip Circle – 「鉄棒・逆上がり・前回り」 を英語で表現 – Kids English



(horizontal) bar (体操用)鉄棒 = high bar
ex) Some boys are playing horizontal bar at the elementary schoolyard.
少年たちが 小学校の校庭の 鉄棒 をやっている

high bar /ˈbɑɚ/: a horizontal bar adjusted above head height and used as a support in some gymnastic exercises
ex) Jumping to the high bar can be nerve-wracking for a young gymnast.

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Casual English Phrases – #485

do a back hip circle 逆上がりをする
ex) Let me do a back hip circle on the bar.
鉄棒で 逆上がりをさせて

do a front hip circle 前回りをする
ex) This is how to do a front hip circle.
こうやって 前回りをします

back hip circle /ˈsɚkəl/: in this move, the gymnast still circles backwards around the bar, but does not return to a front support
ex) I have the basic strength to be able to do a back hip circle properly.

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wrap around 巻き付ける
ex) Wrap your fingers around the bar.
鉄棒の回りに 指を回して

wrap /ˈræp/: to wind or fold (something) around something else
ex) Ribbons were wrapped around the dancers’ arms.

kick up 蹴り上げる
ex) Kick your right leg up under the bar.
鉄棒の下で 右足を蹴り上げて

kick up /ˈkɪk/ : to cause (something) to rise upward
ex) The car sped away, kicking up dirt and gravel.

go around the bar 鉄棒を回る
ex) Start going around the bar.

go around: spin; revolve
ex) How do you spin around a bar?

rotate 回る
ex) Rotate all the way around.

ex) Let your body rotates in a circle.
円を描くように 体を回して

rotate /ˈroʊˌteɪt/: to move or turn in a circle
ex) The software allows you to rotate images.

be left hanging (鉄棒で回れず)ぶら下がった状態になる
ex) He’s left hanging on the bar.
鉄棒の上で 回れない状態にある

hang /ˈhæŋ/: to attach or place something so that it is held up without support from below
ex) Hanging from a bar, the gymnast brings the toes to the bar with legs straight.

throw back one’s head  頭をのけぞらせる
ex) Don’t throw your head back.

throw back: to forcefully move (yourself or a part of your body) in a particular direction
ex) She threw back her head in laughter.


□ throwback   後戻り、再来
ex) This may be a throwback to our childhood years when we felt powerless.
自分が無力と感じる時は、 幼少期の再来のようなものなのかも知れない

throwback /ˈθroʊˌbæk/: a person or thing that is similar to someone or something from the past or that is suited to an earlier time
ex) She’s a throwback to the actresses of the 1950s.

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Casual English Phrases – #875

chin-up (鉄棒の)懸垂 = pull-up
ex) Chin-ups are one of the best tests of a person’s strength to weight ratio.
懸垂は (体重に対しての)腕力の割合を 測定するのに 最適だ

chin–up /ˈtʃɪnˌʌp/: an exercise in which you hold onto a bar above your head and then pull your body up until your chin is above the bar
ex) Do the chin-ups from a high bar after jogging.

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