キッズ英会話 例文集 – Yo-Yo Tricks – Wind the Yo-Yo strings – 「ヨーヨーで遊ぶ」
レベル:英語経験3年以上の 小学生
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English Phrases, Idioms and How they sound by MyPace English
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
Yo-Yo Tricks – Wind the Yo-Yo strings – 「ヨーヨーで遊ぶ」 を英語で表現
子供たちにとって Yo-Yo (ヨーヨー) は もっとも身近な玩具・遊び道具。 ヨーヨーの使い方や、遊び方を 子供たちと一緒に英語で表現してみよう!
ex) Yo-yos vary in shape, size, and purpose.
ヨーヨーは 形、サイズ、使用目的がさまざまである
□ play with a yo-yo ヨーヨーを使って遊ぶ
ex) I want to play with a yoyo.
yo–yo /ˈjoʊˌjoʊ/ : a round toy that has two flat sides with a string attached to its center, that is held in your hand, and that is made to go up and down by unwinding and rewinding the string with a movement of your wrist
ex) Wooden floors will not scratch the yoyo so much.
ex) How many yo-yo tricks are there?
ヨーヨーの技は どの位あるのでしょうか?
trick /ˈtrɪk/: an action that is meant to deceive someone
ex) It’s quite a challenge to master these yo-yo tricks.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,196

Holding out some flowers
□ hold out (手に何か持って)手を前に出す
ex) Hold your yo-yo out so it hangs off its string just before the floor.
ヨーヨーを持って 手を前に出して。 床の手前まで 糸からヨーヨーがぶら下がるようになる
hold out /ˈhoʊld/: to reach outward with (something, such as your hand)
ex) Most beginners just hold out their arm, and jerk their hand downward. Do not throw the yo-yo downwards!
ex) The string tangles inside my yo-yo.
ヨーヨーの内側で 糸が絡まる
tangle /ˈtæŋgəl/: to become or cause (something) to become twisted together
ex) To undo this twisted tangle, simply let the yoyo hang freely from your finger.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #882
□ disentangle … のもつれを解く
ex) You need tweezers to disentangle the string.
糸のもつれを 解くためにピンセットが必要だ
disentangle /ˌdɪsɪnˈtæŋgəl/: to separate (things that are twisted together or caught on one another)
ex) She was trying to disentangle her hair from her necklace.
Facebook で 毎日更新! – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000 - Click! して、「いいね!」 して
ex) Make a loop at the end of the string.
糸の端に 輪を作って
ex) Don’t put your finger directly in the loop.
輪の中に 直接指を入れないで
loop /ˈluːp/: a curved part or shape made when something long and thin (such as a rope or thread) bends so that it touches or crosses over itself
ex) This book illustrates how to tie a proper finger loop for yo-yo strings.
ex) Take the end of the string and tie a knot at the very end,
糸の端を持って、一番端に 結び目を作って
knot /ˈnɑːt/ : to tie a section of rope, string, fabric, etc., to itself or to something else so that a knot forms : to make a knot in (something)
ex) He knotted his tie so that both ends would be the same length.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #131
□ tie the knot 結婚する
ex) When are you two going to tie the knot?
私たちは いつ結婚するの?
tie the knot /ˈnɑːt/ : to get married
ex)The couple tied the knot last year after a 13-year romance.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #857
□ yo-yo (ヨーヨーのように、数字などが)激しく上下に動く
ex) I’ve been watching the my accounts rise and fall like a yo-yo since the economic downturn began.
不景気が始まって以来 口座残高が 上がったり、下がったりするのを 見続けている
yo–yo /ˈjoʊˌjoʊ/: to move repeatedly and quickly up and down or from a higher level to a lower level.
ex) Her weight has yo-yoed in recent years.
= She has lost weight and then gained weight again quickly.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,006
□ dominant hand 利き手 ⇔ non-dominant hand
ex) Hold your yo-yo in your non-dominant hand.
利き手でない方の手で ヨーヨーを持って
dominant /ˈdɑːmənənt/: more important, powerful, or successful than most or all others
ex) Use your dominant hand to yo-yo, which will give you more control.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,474
□ wind around (糸など)を巻き付ける
ex) Wind the string around the yo-yo.
cf) Wind the string on the yoyo.
cf) The string doesn’t go around the yoyo.
wind /ˈwaɪnd/: to wrap (something, such as a string) around something
ex) Wind the string slowly and loosely around axle until it catches, then wind tight.
ex) Slip the ring on your yo-yo’s string onto your middle finger.
slip on /ˈslɪp/: to put on or take off a piece of clothing quickly or easily
ex) Begin by slipping the loop you made over your middle finger.
– Slip on – 素早く身に着ける –
ex) He stood up and slipped on his jacket.
ex) He slipped off his shoes.
ex) Let me just slip into my bathrobe.
cf) Throw your yo-yo down.
toss /ˈtɑːs/: to throw (something) with a quick, light motion
ex) This is to enable the yo-yo to land on the string with ease when tossing the yo-yo high in the air.
ex) As yo-yo reaches the bottom, use you wrist and flick it up with little force.
ヨーヨーが一番下に行った時 手首を使って、少し力を入れて ヨーヨーを宙に上げて
flick /ˈflɪk/: to move (something) with a short, quick movement
ex) It is also possible to flick the yo-yo with the thumb of your free-hand to wind it up.
ex) Yo-yo will come back into your palm.
palm /ˈpɑːm/ and between the wrist and the fingers
ex) Hold the yo-yo in your hand palm up with the string wrapped.
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