キッズ英会話 例文集 – Insect – Bug – 昆虫・虫を 英語で表現
レベル:英語経験3年以上の 小学生
子供たちの 生活に密接な トピックスで 英会話 個人レッスンを進めよう! フリーカンバセーションに役立つ 語い、フレーズを掲載。 発音記号と、英英辞典の引用もあるので、日常英会話の学習にも役立ちます。
Insect – Bug – 昆虫・虫を 英語で表現
A. 全ての昆虫は Insect です。 小さな虫 を Bug と言います。 ただ 日常の会話では Insect も Bug も同じように使われています。 (Bug はカジュアルな表現です)
細かく言うと Bug は Hemiptera 半翅目(はんしもく) の昆虫(口が針状になっているのが特徴)を指します。
カメムシや、セミが半翅目 に属します。(Bugs refer to a group of insects that feed by sucking plant or animal fluids.)
□ insect 昆虫
ex) What is the strongest insect?
一番強い 昆虫は何ですか?
insect /ˈɪnˌsɛkt/: a small animal that has six legs and a body formed of three parts and that may have wings
ex) What an insect eats is as different as the types of species there are.
ex) In the insect world, nothing beats beetles.
どんな昆虫もカブトムシには 敵わない
beetle /ˈbiːtl̟/: a type of insect with wings that form a hard cover on its back when it is not flying
ex) The life cycle of the Japanese Beetles consists of four stages of development called complete metamorphosis.

stag beetle
□ stag beetle クワガタムシ
ex) The most distinctive characteristic of the stag beetle are large pincers.
クワガタムシの特徴は 大きなクワ(挟む部分)だ
stag beetle /staɡ ˈbēdl/a large dark beetle, the male of which has large branched jaws that resemble a stag’s antlers
ex) Stag beetles spend most of their very long life cycle underground as a larva.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #651
□ firefly 蛍(ホタル) = lightning bug
ex) Fireflies use their ability to produce light to signal each other.
ホタルは 光を発し、他のホタルと交信します
firefly /ˈfajɚˌflaɪ/: a small flying insect that produces a soft light
ex) Fireflies or ‘lightning bugs’ bring magic to a summer night.
ex) Long-horned beetles overwinter as both eggs and pupae.
カミキリムシは 卵か サナギの時 越冬します
longhorn /ˈlɑːŋˌhoɚn/: a type of animal that has long horns
ex) Longhorn beetle larva can live deep within the wood of trees that they feed on.

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Casual English Phrases – #864
□ feed on … を餌とする、常食する
ex) Owls feed on insects, birds, and small mammals.
フクロウは 昆虫、鳥、小さな哺乳類を常食とする
feed on /ˈfiːd/: to eat (something) as food
ex) In most cases, adult butterflies are able to feed only on various liquids.

□ cicada セミ
ex) How long do cicadas live above ground?
セミは地上でどの位 生きられますか?
cicada /səˈkeɪdə/ : a large homopterous insect with long transparent wings, occurring chiefly in warm countries
ex) The male cicada makes a loud, high-pitched sound.
ex) The queen bee stops laying eggs in late fall.
女王バチは 晩秋には産卵を終えます
leg eggs /ˈɛg/: : to produce (an egg) outside of the body
ex) These birds typically lay only two eggs per year.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,578
□ lay an egg (恥ずかしい)失敗をする、不成功に終わる
ex) He used to be a very popular star, but his last two movies have laid an egg.
彼はかつて人気俳優であったが、過去2作の英語は 失敗に終わった
lay an egg /ˈleɪ/ : to fail completely : to fail in a very obvious or embarrassing way
ex) We knew we couldn’t just go out and lay an egg today, even with the opponent that we were playing
ex) As the weather warms in spring, the mantis eggs hatch.
春、温かくなるにつれて カマキリの卵は孵化します
hatch /ˈhætʃ/: to come out of an egg : to be born by coming out of an egg
ex) We watched the chicks hatch.
ex) Caterpillar is larva of a butterfly.
芋虫は 蝶々の幼虫だ
larva /ˈlɑɚvə/: a very young form of an insect that looks like a worm
ex) The larva of a butterfly is called a caterpillar.
蝶の幼虫は 芋虫と呼ばれる
ex) How long does a butterfly stay in a chrysalis?
蝶々は どの位の間 サナギでいるのですか?
cf) Most butterflies take about 10 days to emerge from their chrysalises.
サナギが 蝶々に変わるまで約10日かかります
chrysalis /ˈkrɪsələs/: a moth or butterfly at the stage of growth when it is turning into an adult and is enclosed in a hard case
ex) A chrysalis is the life stage of some insects undergoing transformation between immature and mature stages.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,260
□ cast off the one’s skin (昆虫など)脱皮する
ex) We found the cast-off skin of a cicada grasping small green leaves.
葉っぱを掴んでいる セミの 抜け殻を見つけた
cast off /ˈkæst/ : to get rid of (something)
ex) The snake casts off [=sheds] its skin.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #685
□ molt (昆虫など)脱皮する、生まれ変わる = shed its skin/shell
ex) When is a caterpillar set to molt?
いつ 芋虫は 脱皮の準備が出来るのですか?
ex) The cicada is molting its shell on wooden table.
セミが 木製テーブルの上で 脱皮している
molt /ˈmoʊlt/ : to lose a covering of hair, feathers, etc., and replace it with new growth in the same place
ex) Like other insects, dragonfly larvae grow by molting, becoming bigger with each molt.
ほかの昆虫と同様 ヤゴも脱皮により成長し、脱皮の度に 大きくなる
molt /ˈmoʊlt/ : to lose a covering of hair, feathers, etc., and replace it with new growth in the same place
ex) Snakes molt as they grow, shedding the old skin and growing a larger new skin.
蛇は成長するにつれ 脱皮により より新しく 大きな 皮膚を得る
ex) Complete metamorphosis has four distinct stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.
完全変態は 卵、幼虫、さなぎ、成虫の 4つの明確な 段階を持つ
metamorphosis /ˌmɛtəˈmoɚfəsəs/: a major change in the appearance or character of someone or something
ex) The class learned about how caterpillars undergo metamorphosis to become butterflies.
授業では どのように芋虫が 蝶に変態するかの過程を 教えた

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #1,029
□ terrarium 昆虫や 植物、小動物を飼う 容器
ex) Can bugs live in a closed terrarium?
密閉した 飼育容器の中で 昆虫は生きられますか?
terrarium /təˈrerijəm/: a glass or plastic box that is used for growing plants or keeping small animals indoors
ex) Grasshoppers are the number one recommendation for insects to add to your terrarium.
ex) The pupa builds her cocoon and hibernates within her home.
サナギは 繭を作り その中で冬眠します
pupa /ˈpjuːpə/: an insect that is in the stage of development between larva and adult
ex) The new pupa is whitish, and it turns brown over time.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #341
□ hibernate 冬眠する
ex) Those bees hibernate in winter.
それらのハチは 冬眠します
hibernate /ˈhaɪbɚˌneɪt/: to spend the winter sleeping or resting
ex) Some bugs hibernate through the winter by hiding in places under tree bark, fallen logs or stones.
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□ turn into … … に変わる
ex) How long does it take for a pupa to turn into a butterfly?
サナギが蝶々に変わるのに どの位の時間がかかりますか?

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #1,046
□ complete metamorphosis 完全変態
ex) Do cicadas go through complete or incomplete metamorphosis?
セミは 完全変態ですか? 不完全変態ですか?
□ incomplete metamorphosis 不完全変態
ex) There’s no pupal stage within the dragonfly life cycle. It’s called an incomplete metamorphosis.
トンボには サナギになる段階がありません。 これを不完全変態と言います
metamorphosis /ˌmɛtəˈmoɚfəsəs/: a major change in the form or structure of some animals or insects that happens as the animal or insect becomes an adult
ex) The class learned about how caterpillars undergo metamorphosis to become butterflies.
□ overwinter 越冬する
ex) Most pest grasshopper species in North America overwinter as eggs.
overwinter /ˌoʊvɚˈwɪntɚ/: to spend or survive the winter
ex) The geese will overwinter in a warmer climate.
ex) How does a cicada chirp?
セミはどうやって 鳴き声を出すのですか?
chirp /ˈtʃɚp/: to make a short high-pitched sound
ex) The birds were chirping in the trees.
ex) Insects are generally taken as pests in our daily life.
日頃 昆虫は全て害虫と思われがちだ
pest /ˈpɛst/: an animal or insect that causes problems for people especially by damaging crops
ex) These insects are pests for farmers.
ex) Praying mantis is probably the best known beneficial insect.
益虫として もっとも有名なのは 恐らく カマキリだ
beneficial insect /ˌbɛnəˈfɪʃəl/: any of a number of species of insects that perform valued services like pollination and pest control
ex) Grow these flowers to attract beneficial insects while minimizing damage from caterpillars.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #1,055
□ colony (同じ種類の動植物が)共生する集団
ex) A honey bee colony typically consists of three kinds of adult bees: workers, drones, and a queen.
蜂の巣の集団は、働きバチ、雄バチ、女王バチの3種類の蜂で 構成されている
colony /ˈkɑːləni/ : a group of plants or animals living or growing in one place
ex) Some insects, such as bees, ants, and termites, live together in groups called colonies.
キッズ英会話 – 例文集