キッズ英会話 例文集 – Socks – Elastic – 靴下・ソックス を英語で表現
レベル:英語経験3年以上の 小学生
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English Phrases, Idioms and How they sound by MyPace English
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
Socks – Elastic – 靴下・ソックス を英語で表現
ex) We try the no-show socks and you can still see them,
sock /ˈsɑːk/ : a piece of clothing that is worn on your foot and that covers your ankle and sometimes the lower part of your leg
ex) These no-show socks are perfect to travel with and wear with any type of closed-toe shoe you plan to pack.
ex) Ankle socks are often confused with no-show socks.
スニーカー丈ソックス と カバーソックスは よく混同される
ankle sock /ˈsɑːk/: a short sock coming up to the ankle
ex) Tennis shoes look great with ankle socks and pin-rolled trousers when it’s warm outside.
ex) Ankle socks sit on or slightly above the ankle.
スニーカー丈ソックス は くるぶし か、そのやや上に位置する
sit /ˈsɪt/ : to be or stay in a particular place, position, or condition
ex) Ankle socks sit right below the shoe opening.
ex) Match your socks to your outfit.
靴下を 服装にマッチさせて
match /ˈmætʃ/: to be suited to (someone or something) : to go well with (someone or something)
ex) Traditionally, socks were meant to match pants in color.
ex) Choose good-fitting socks.
足の形に合う 靴下を選んで
good-fitting /ˈfɪt/: suitable or appropriate
ex) This good-fitting, well-padded wool sock won’t break the bank.
ex) Elastic in my socks bit into my flesh.
elastic /ɪˈlæstɪk/: able to return to an original shape or size after being stretched, squeezed, etc.
ex) Most socks contain elastic to keep them from slipping down.
Casual English Phrases – #635
□ sock mark (靴下)肌に残るゴムの後
ex) You may notice sock marks when you take off shoes and socks after a long day.
長時間 靴下をはいているの ゴムの後が残る
ex) I got pressure marks on my skin from my pajamas.
パジャマの ゴムの部分の 跡がついた
ex) Pressure from the elastic leaves a mark.
ゴムの部分が 跡を残します
sock mark /ˈsɑːk/: a sign of lower leg swelling that could be caused by high blood pressure
ex) How many times have you come across those annoying sock marks, which refuse to fade?
ex) My tight socks leave indent in my legs.
きつめの靴下を履くと 足に跡が残る
indent /ˈɪnˌdɛnt/: a space at the beginning of a written line or paragraph
ex) If your socks leave indented rings on your skin, you don’t need to do this test to check if swelling is temporary.
ex) I usually roll the hem of my socks.
靴下の縁を 折り丸める
hem /ˈhɛm/: the edge of a piece of cloth that is folded back and sewn down
ex) When you sit, the hem of your socks will be clearly visible so opt to a patterned sock like these floral ones.
Casual English Phrases – #1,104
□ bunch up 一か所に集める
ex) My socks in boots feel like they are bunched up.
ブーツを履くと 靴下が 一か所に寄ってしまう気がする
bunch /ˈbʌntʃ/: of clothing : to form a group of tight folds on or around part of your body
ex) The sweater’s long sleeves kept bunching up around her wrists.
ex) I want to get fuzz off of socks.
靴下の毛羽立ちを 取り除きたい
fuzz /ˈfʌz/: small, light pieces of cloth or other soft material
The blanket is covered with fuzz.
ex) I want to remove pilling on my socks.
靴下の毛羽立ちを 取り除きたい
□ pill 毛玉
ex) Pills often form on my socks.
靴下に毛玉が よく出来る
pill /ˈpɪl/: to begin to have small balls of fiber on the surface usually after having been worn or used many times
ex) Wool sweaters may pill after you wash them.
□ fall down ずり落ちる
ex) My socks are falling down.
Casual English Phrases – #872
□ sag ずり落ちる
ex) Sagging socks happen when the elastic wears out.
sag /ˈsæg/: to bend or hang down in the middle especially because of weight or weakness
ex) The roof is sagging in the middle.
□ wear … inside out 裏返しに… を着る
ex) I was wearing my socks inside out.
靴下を 裏返しに履いていた
□ a wrong pair of socks (片方ずつ)違う靴下
ex) A wrong pair of socks can ruin your look.
片方ずつ違う靴下を履くことは 見た目を損ねる
□ two different socks (片方ずつ)違う靴下
ex) I wore two different socks to work by accident.
間違えて 職場に 片方ずつ違う靴下を履いて行った
ex) Throw away your holey socks.
穴の開いた靴下は 捨てて
holey /ˈhoʊli/: having holes ex) holey socks
ex) When holey socks come through the wash, I throw them away.
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