英語情報集 > > Memory / Concentration – 神経衰弱(トランプ) を英語で表現
神経衰弱(トランプ) – Memory / Concentrationを英語で表現
レベル: 帰国子女(3年未満の海外生活)
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トランプの神経衰弱 (Memory / Concentration) は、集中力や記憶力を養うのに最適なゲーム。 運に頼らず、実力で勝つ * Game of Skill ですから、知育の入門として最適です。 カードゲームの基本英語を 子供たちに教えてみましょう。
ex) Skill-based games are games that rely on the player’s skill in order to win.
技術を要するゲームでは 競技者の勝つため能力により勝敗が決まる
game of skill: a game where the outcome is determined mainly by mental or physical skill, rather than by chance
ex) The act of maintaining focus during a card game helps to develop concentration skills.
トランプ遊びの間 集中力を保持する行為は、集中力を養うのに役立つ
ex) Shuffle playing card.
shuffle /ˈʃʌfəl/: to mix (playing cards) before playing a game so that no one knows what order they are in
ex) He shuffled the cards/deck.

アメリカのスラング & カジュアル英語 2,000 へ GO!
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #896
□ old maid ばば抜き
ex) There are retail card decks specifically crafted for playing old maid.
ばば抜き 専用のトランプも 販売されている
old maid /ˈmeɪd/: a simple game popular around the world, existing in many variants
ex) The queen or joker will be your old maid card.
ex) Each player shuffles and deal cards in turn.
ゲーム参加者が 順番でカードを切る、配る
deal /ˈdiːl/: to give cards to the players in a card game
ex) It’s your turn to deal.
ex) A deck of cards comes with 52 cards, 2 jokers.
トランプは 52枚のカードと 2枚のジョーカーから 成る
deck /ˈdɛk/: a complete set of playing cards
ex) The dealer shuffled the deck (of cards).
トランプで 神経衰弱をする

アメリカのスラング & カジュアル英語 2,000 へ GO!
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #309
□ Concentration (トランプ遊び) 神経衰弱 = Memory
ex) Concentration requires a good memory to win.
神経衰弱で勝つためには よい記憶力が必要である
ex) Let’s play concentration!
concentration /ˌkɑːnsənˈtreɪʃən/ : a card game in which all of the cards are laid face down on a surface and two cards are flipped face up over each turn.
ex) Concentration can be played with regular playing cards.
ex) Lay out all the cards on the table.
全てのカードを テーブルの上に並べて
lay out: to place (something) on a surface in a carefully arranged way
ex) The wires were laid out along the floor.

アメリカのスラング & カジュアル英語 2,000 へ GO!
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #489
□ play against each other 1対1で 競う
ex) Memory is designed for two players to play against each other.
神経衰弱は 1対1で 競う ゲームだ
against /ə-ˈgen(t)st/: in competition with
ex) They are racing against each other.
ex) Lay out the cards face down in rows.
トランプを 裏向けに並べて
facedown /ˌfeɪsˈdaʊn/: with the face down
ex) The cards were dealt facedown.
□ faceup (カードなど)開いた、表向きの
ex) Flip the top card of the deck faceup.
faceup /ˈfeɪsˈʌp/: with the face up
The cards were dealt faceup.
ex) Cards need to be able to be flipped over without disturbing any cards around them.
flip over /ˈflɪp/: = turn over
ex) Flip the card over carefully.
ex) Be sure not to bother the surrounding cards.
周囲のカードを 乱さないようにして
surrounding /səˈraʊndɪŋ/ : near or around someone or something
ex) Always view the Magician in light of the other tarot cards surrounding him.

Matching Pair
ex) If the two cards are a matching pair then they take the two cards.
2枚のカードの数字が 合ったら、その2枚のカードを受け取って
ex) The player with the most matching pairs is the winner.
マッチした ペアカードを一番多く取った人が 勝ちです
□ matching card (数字などが同じ)カード
ex) Remember where the matching card was.
マッチするカードがどこにあったか 思い出して
match /ˈmætʃ/: to go well with (someone or something)
ex) The curtains and carpet don’t match. [=go together]
□ be awarded (賞、特典など)受け取る
ex) The player is awarded another turn for making a match and goes again.
もう一度、カードをめくる 権利を 得る
award /əˈwoɚd/ : to give (a reward or prize) to someone or something
ex) The winner was awarded a gold medal.
ex) The card you turn over is a match for one previously turned over.
めくったカードと、前にめくられた カードが マッチする
match /ˈmætʃ/: two people or things that are suited to each other
ex) The curtains and carpet are a good match (for each other).
□ match 合わせる
ex) Match your socks to your outfit.
靴下を 服装にマッチさせて
match /ˈmætʃ/: to be suited to (someone or something) : to go well with (someone or something)
ex) Traditionally, socks were meant to match pants in color.
ex) Play is passed to the next player.
カードを取る権利は 次の人に渡ります
pass /ˈpæs/: to move past someone or something
ex) In the second round, they pass three cards to the player on their right.
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