Video Arcade – Coin-Operated – 「ゲームセンター・コイン式ゲーム」 を英語で表現 – キッズ英会話フレーズ集
レベル: 小学4年生
子供たちの 生活に密接な トピックスで 英会話 個人レッスンを進めよう! フリーカンバセーションに役立つ 語い、フレーズを掲載。 発音記号と、英英辞典の引用もあるので、日常英会話の学習にも役立ちます。
ゲームセンターのゲーム名や、遊び方・対戦方法を 子供たちと英語で話してみましょう。

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,362
□ video arcade ゲームセンター
ex) Video arcades are always an exciting place to go and spend an afternoon playing a bunch of games against friends.
ゲームセンターは 午後の時間を 友達とゲームで競って過ごすのに 楽しい場所だ
video arcade /ɑɚˈkeɪd/: an indoor area containing coin-operated video games.
ex) A video arcade is a place where you can play video games on machines which work when you put money in them.
□ penny arcade (硬貨投入式のゲーム機が設置されている)ゲームセンター
ex) Almost everyone has been to an amusement arcade at some point in their lives.
誰もが 人生のある時点で ゲームセンターに行ったことがある
penny arcade /ɑɚˈkeɪd/: an indoor area with coin-operated mechanical games, photography booths, picture shows, and other amusements.
ex) Penny arcades are simply arcades that still have some of the original games that take pennies, nickels, etc.
ex) How do arcade games still thrive in today’s world in which a gamer can virtually have any game at their fingertips?
ゲームに囲まれている環境にあるのに 何故 ゲームセンターのゲームは 今日も人気があるのんだろうか?
video arcade /ɑɚˈkeɪd/: : a usually coin-operated game designed for play at an amusement arcade
ex) During this time period, the arcade game industry experienced massive growth in revenue and popularity.
ex) Throw in a coin and play at the classic coin-operated arcade machine.
コインを投入して 昔ながらのゲームセンターのゲームを 楽しもう
coin-operated /ˈkoɪn/: operated by inserting coins in a slot
ex) An arcade game is a coin-operated entertainment machine typically installed in public businesses such as restaurants.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,363
□ console ゲーム操作卓、コンソール
ex) Many of the games in arcades were slowly being ported over to home consoles, which gained popularity because it’s cheaper.
多くの ゲームセンターのゲームは 徐々に より安価な 家庭用ゲーム機 に人気を移すことになった
console /ˈkɑːnˌsoʊl/: a flat surface that contains the controls for a machine, for a piece of electrical equipment, etc.
ex) The best handheld and home games consoles battle for gaming supremacy – but which is the right one for you?

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,364
□ whack-a-mole もぐらたたきゲーム
ex) Next time you are near a kiddie amusement park, go in and play a round of whack-a-mole.
次回 子供向け遊園地の近くに寄った時は 入場して もぐらたたきゲーム で対戦しよう
whack-a-mole /ˈwakəˌmōl/an arcade game in which players use a mallet to hit toy moles, which appear at random, back into their holes
ex) Whac-A-Mole is a beloved, action-packed arcade game with a deep fan following.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #1,074
□ mallet 木槌、小槌
ex) Grab a mallet and start whacking away!
木槌を持って 退治を始めよう
mallet /ˈmælət/ : a hammer with a large usually wooden head
ex) Whack-a-mole is a simple game that involves hitting toy moles with a mallet as they pop out of holes on a board.
ex) It’s crucial to select an air hockey table with less assembly time so you can have optimal playing time with your family.
エアホッケー用のテーブルは 短時間で組み立てられるものを選ぶのが 重要です
air hockey /ˈhɑːki/: a game in which players attempt to knock a plastic disk into their opponent’s goal across a specially designed table that produces a cushion of air to reduce friction
ex) Bring the game back into your household this season with these toys and games, including air hockey and ping pong.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,365
□ crane machine クレーンゲーム (ゲームセンターで 人形などを クレーンでつり上げて取るゲーム) = claw machine
ex) Grabbing a prize out a claw machine can be pretty tough.
クレーンゲームで 景品を つかみ取ることは とても難しい
crane machine /ˈkreɪn/: a type of arcade game known as a merchandiser, commonly found in video arcades
ex) Most claw machines drop and grab with one push of a button.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,366
□ shooting gallery game 射撃ゲーム = carnival gallery
ex) A carnival game typically features a pellet gun with small targets to be shot for prizes.
射撃ゲームには ペレット銃(高性能の空気銃)と 標的 となる 景品が設置されている
shooting gallery /ˈgæləri/: a facility for shooting live firearms or for shooting recreational guns within amusement parks or arcades.
ex) In the days before video games, amusement arcades were filled with a panoply of analog entertainment, from shooting galleries to mechanical fortune tellers to endless varieties of pinball.
ex) Racing video games are games where you compete against other racers.
レース・テレビゲームでは 他のレーサーと 競走ができる
racing video game /réis/: video games that usually consist of some kind of vehicle competing against other vehicles on a series of different tracks
ex) Some arcade games, such as racing games, are designed to be sat in or on.
ex) This game was made for two players.
このゲームは 二人用として 作られた
two-player game /ˈplejɚ/: a multiplayer game that is played by precisely two players
ex) I love the early days of a multiplayer game – before things are settled and optimized.
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