英会話 例文集 for Moms > Washing Machine – Laundry – 洗濯機・洗濯
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Washing Machine – Laundry – 洗濯機・洗濯 を英語で表現
A. Clean は 掃除などで きれいにする。 Wash は 水を用いて 洗う・きれいに するです。
ex) How much space is required around a washing machine?
洗濯機の回りに どれ位のスペースが必要ですか?
washing machine /məˈʃiːn/: a machine used for washing clothes
ex) If your clothes washer is stuck on one cycle, replace the timer.
□ washer 洗濯機
ex) I put several clothing items in the washer.
洗濯機に 衣類を入れた
washer /ˈwɑːʃɚ/: washing machine
ex) We bought a new washer and dryer.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #465
□ It’s a wash. (ゲームなど)同点だ、同等だ
ex) The price is less online than at the store, but once you add shipping costs, it’s a wash.
オンラインで買う方が お店で買うより安いが 送料を込みにすると 大体同じだ
= The two prices are about the same.
It’s a wash. /ˈwɑːʃ/ : a situation in which losses and gains balance each other
ex) You won the first game and I won the second, so it’s a wash.
= We are even.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,569
□ white goods 白物家電
ex)Appliances (also called white goods) may not be disposed of in North Dakota landfills by state law.
白物家電と呼ばれる 電化製品は、州法により、ノースダコタ州 の埋め立て地で、処分することはできない
white goods /ˈwaɪt/: large home appliances such as stoves (British: cookers), refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, tumble driers
ex) Find a wide selection of high quality, energy efficient white goods.

□ laundry 洗濯物、汚れた衣類
ex) Sort dirty laundry by fabric instead of color.
汚れた衣類を 色でなく 素材別に 分けて
laundry /ˈlɑːndri/: clothes, towels, sheets, etc., that need to be washed or that have been washed
ex) There’s a pile of dirty laundry in the laundry basket.
□ do the laundry 洗濯する
ex) I do the laundry twice a week.
1週間に2回 洗濯する
ex) Getting the laundry done is one of the 3 chores I do every weekend.
洗濯を済ませることは 私の 3つの週末の家事のうちの一つだ
ex) Do the/one’s laundry. : to wash the dirty clothes, towels, etc.
ex) I have to do my laundry today.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #012
□ dirty laundry 内部の醜聞、内輪の恥
ex) The company is trying to keep its dirty laundry from being aired/washed in public.
会社は 社内の醜聞を 外部に漏れないように 努めた
dirty Laundry /ˈlɑːndri/ : private information that causes shame and embarrassment when it is made public
ex) Let’s not air our dirty laundry [=discuss our problems, make our problems known] in public.
A. Laundry は 英語です。 ただ 発音は ランドリーではありません。 au の発音は オー ですので、ローンドリーです。
au の発音: laundry /ˈlɑːndri/ – autumn /ˈɑːtəm/ – Australia /ɑˈstreɪljə/
ex) The tumble dryers come in a wide range of sizes.
タンブル乾燥機は 様々なサイズがある
tumble dry: /ˈtʌmbəl/ to dry (clothes, sheets, etc.) in a machine
ex) He tumble dried his clothes on high heat.

Hamper Basket
□ hamper basket 衣類かご、洗濯物用のかご
ex) Put dirty laundry in a hamper.
汚れた衣類を 洗濯物かごに いれて
hamper /ˈhæmpɚ/: a basket for holding dirty clothes until they can be washed
ex) My hamper basket is actually a hamper but like trash cans.
ex) I have a large load to wash.
洗濯機に入れる 洋服が多い
ex) On my laundry day, I get my first load started after breakfast.
洗濯の日 最初の洗濯を 朝食の後 始める
ex) I’ve got about 3 loads to get through.
3回は洗濯機を 回さないといけない
ex) The proper load size is three-fourths full for a heavy load.
洋服をたくさん入れるとき、適切な量は 洗濯機の 4分の3 が目安である
load /ˈloʊd/: an amount that fills something (such as a truck)
ex) I need to do a load of laundry
= The amount of laundry that can fit into a washing machine.
ex) Add a little amount of laundry detergent.
ex) I’ve had laundry detergent left on my clothes.
洋服に 洗剤がくっついて 残っている
detergent /dɪˈtɚʤənt/: a powder or liquid that is used to clean clothes, dishes, etc.
ex) We have tried different laundry detergents.
ex) Bleach should always be diluted with water first before use.
漂白剤 は使用前に 必ず 水で薄めるようにしてください
bleach /ˈbliːtʃ/: a strong chemical that is used to make something clean or white
ex) What’s the difference between color safe and non-color safe bleach?
ex) Water fades your denim and it causes shrinkage.
水はデニム生地の 色を褪せさせ、縮みを 起こす
shrinkage /ˈʃrɪŋkɪʤ/: the amount by which something becomes smaller or less
ex) It’s crucial to keep shrinkage in mind when buying a pair of raw-denim jeans.
ex) You can pour color-safe bleach directly on fabric.
繊維類に 直接 色褪せしない 漂白剤を 付けても 大丈夫です
safe /ˈseɪf/: convincing evidence that establishes with reasonable certainty that no harm will result from the intended use of the color additive
ex) Color-safe honestly doesn’t mean a thing to me, conditioner, shampoo, or otherwise.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #726
□ color-fast 色落ちしない
ex) A color-fast fabric does not bleed or fade when washed in the washing machine.
色落ちしない 生地は 洗濯機で洗う際 滲んだり、色褪せたりしない
color-fast /ˈkʌlɚˌfæst/: able to keep the same color even if washed, placed in light, etc.
ex) If you wash a red non-colorfast towel with white socks, you may end up with pink socks.
ex) Some clothes need to be dry cleaned.
いくつかの洋服は ドライクリーニングにする必要がある
dry-clean [ˈdrīˌklēn]: clean (a garment) with an organic solvent, without using water.
ex) Some dry cleaners also remove accessories which may get damaged in the cleaning process.
ex) Rub the dryer sheet on the spot.
シート型 柔軟剤で 染みの部分をこすってみて
dryer sheet /ˈʃiːt/: durable, gauze-like tissues that can be put into dryers to eliminate static cling, soften clothes, and add fragrance
ex) The dryer sheet helps to reduce static, and increase the softness of fabric in the tumble dryer.
ex) A clean lint catcher helps the dryer work better.
清潔な 意図くず取りネットは 乾燥機の 働きを助ける
lint /ˈlɪnt/: tiny pieces of cloth or another soft material
ex) The clothes dryer was clogged with lint.
ex) You should rinse your clothes with warm water.
洋服を ぬるま湯で 濯いで
rinse /ˈrɪns/: to wash (something) with clean water and without soap
ex) Rinse (off) the apple before you eat it.
ex) Should I soak my clothes if they are badly stained?
染みが ひどい時は 衣服を水につけておくべきですか?
soak /ˈsoʊk/: to put (something) in a liquid for a period of time
ex) You should soak those dirty clothes before you wash them.
ex) Once the laundry is discolored, decoloring is not as easy as it should be.
discolour /dɪsˈkʌlɚ/: to change in color especially in a bad way
ex) The fabric is guaranteed not to discolor.
ex) The sun decolored (bleached) the red shirt.
太陽の光で 赤いシャツの 色が抜けた
decolor /dɪˈkʌlɚ/: to remove the color from
ex) Why are my clothes decolored in the wash?

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #227
□ dye transfer (洋服)色移り、染料移動
ex) Dye can transfer from one item of clothing to another.
染料は 他の服に 色移りする
ex) Dye from one piece of clothing has transferred on to my white clothing.
染料が 白い服に 色移りした
dye /ˈdaɪ/ : a substance used for changing the color of something (such as hair or cloth) usually permanently
ex) Dye transfer can be prevented by sorting wash loads by color.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #630
□ bleed (衣服など)色が滲む
ex) Colored garments often bleed a bit of dye in the wash.
色の着いた 洋服は 洗濯中 色が滲むことがある
bleed /ˈbliːd/: a of dye, ink, paint, etc. : to spread from one area into another
ex) The shirt’s colors might bleed [=run] if you wash it in hot water.
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