英会話 例文集 for Moms > Bakery – Baker – 「パンを買う・ベーカリー」 を英語で表現
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MyPace English では 女性、特に お母さまの 英会話 個人レッスンを 多く承っています。
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ぜひ 日頃の英語学習に役立ててください。
Bakery – Baker – 「パンを買う・ベーカリー」 を英語で表現
ex) The bakery has been baking organic breads.
そのパン屋は 有機パンのみを 焼き続けている
bakery /ˈbeɪkəri/: a place where bread, cakes, cookies, and other baked foods are made or sold
ex) Plenty of local bakeries purvey a range of fruit-studded handmade loaves.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #557
□ purvey 調達する、提供する
ex) Some bakeries purvey strawberry cake as a part of their fare.
食料品の一部として イチゴケーキを提供する パン屋もある
purvey /pɚˈveɪ/: to supply or provide (something) for use
ex) This wonderful German bakery has been purveying rich coffee cakes.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #693
□ furnish 提供する = provide
ex) We furnish and deliver fresh bakery products.
新鮮な ベーカリー製品 を提供、配達いたします
furnish /ˈfɚnɪʃ/: to supply or give (something) to someone or something
ex) Can he furnish the information to us?
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ex) This is the place to see the bakers at work.
ここから パン職人たちが パンを製造する様子を見学できる
baker /ˈbeɪkɚ/: someone who bakes bread, cakes, etc.
ex) I’m a very good baker.

bakery aisle
□ bread aisle (スーパーなどの)パン販売コーナー
ex) I found the butter on the bread aisle at the supermarket.
そのバターを パン販売コーナーで見つけた
aisle /ˈajəl/: a passage where people walk through a store, market, etc.
ex) Take a walk down the bread aisle at your market and see how long it takes to find a loaf without high-fructose corn syrup .
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #928
□ fructose 果糖
ex) Some people believe that fruit juice is bad for your health because it is high in a natural sugar called fructose.
フルーツジュースは 果糖が入っているため 体に悪いと 考える 人もいる
fructose /ˈfrʌkˌtoʊs/ : a very sweet kind of sugar that is found in fruit juices and honey
ex) Fruit-juice concentrates have high levels of fructose.
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ex) Whole wheat bread is a great source of fiber.
全粒小麦のパンは 食物繊維が多く含まれる
wheat /ˈwiːt/: bread that is made from wheat flour
ex) I’d like a turkey sandwich on wheat.

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Casual English Phrases – #992
□ wheat germ 小麦胚芽 (はいが)
ex) When you’re baking breads, you can use wheat germ to replace up to 1/2 cup of flour.
パンを焼く時 小麦粉 1/2 カップ分を 小麦胚芽に 置き換える事ができます
wheat germ /ˈʤɚm/: the center part of a grain of wheat which is eaten often as a source of vitamins and protein
ex) Wheat germs are the reproductive parts of the wheat grains.

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Casual English Phrases – #553
□ breadwinner 一家の大黒柱、稼ぎ手
ex) The majority of the time, neither the wife nor the husband likes to admit when the wife is the breadwinner.
妻が 一家の 稼ぎ頭の場合、夫婦のどちらも それを認めたがらない
breadwinner /ˈbrɛdˌwɪnɚ/: a person who earns money to support a family
ex) He had always been the (family) breadwinner.
ex) Bread being made with whole grains guarantees some fiber.
全粒により作られている パンには 食物繊維が入っている
wholegrain /ˈgreɪn/: made from them contain all the essential parts and naturally-occurring nutrients of the entire grain seed, including the bran, germ and endosperm, in their original proportions
ex) Whole grain bread contains the entire kernel of wheat, as well as other whole grains like oats.
□ grain 穀物、穀類
ex) Our whole grain bread is sweetened with natural ingredients for the perfect healthy snack.
全粒(未精白の穀物)で作った 当店のパンは 自然の材料で 甘味をつけているので 健康スナックとして最適です
grain /ˈgreɪn/: the seeds of plants (such as wheat, corn, and rice) that are used for food
ex) Grain farming significantly contributes to how we maintain sustainability throughout our turkey breeding operations.

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Casual English Phrases - #1,137
□ against the grain 性分に合わない、+ go =(一般常識などに)不本意で 逆らう
ex) It takes courage to go against the grain and stand up for what you believe in.
自分の信じるものを支持し、逆らうことは 勇気を要する
go against the grain /ˈgreɪn/: be different or to act in a way that is different from what is normal or usual
ex)“There was something about Prohibition that went against the American grain,” a high school history teacher once said.

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Casual English Phrases – #305
□ crust パンの耳
ex) Her children prefer to eat their sandwiches with the crust cut off.
子供たちは パンの耳を 取って食べるのが好きだ
crust /ˈkrʌst/: the hard outer surface of bread
ex) Make it use a serrated knife to remove bread crust.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,150
□ crumb (パンの耳に対して)パンの柔らかい部分、パン粉、パンくず
ex) When the bread was cool, I separated the crumb from the crust and started chewing.
パンが冷めている時は、パンの柔らかい部分と パンの耳を分けて 食べ始めます
crumb /ˈkrʌm/: a very small piece of food
ex) I’ll give you a nice thick crispy crust with a soft and moist crumb.
ex) Pumpernickel is a bread originated from Germany.
プンパーニッケルは ドイツが由来のパンだ
pumpernickel /ˈpʌmpɚˌnɪkəl/: a heavy and dark type of bread made from rye
ex) I love using my bread machine and this is my first time making pumpernickel.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,149
bread machine (家庭用)パン焼き機 = bread maker
ex) The bread maker makes loud clanking noises during the kneading cycle.
パン焼き機が パンをこねる間、ガチャガチャと 大きな音をってる
bread machine /ˈbrɛd/: a home appliance for turning raw ingredients into baked bread
ex) Most bread machines take around three hours to mix, knead and bake a loaf of bread.

sourdough bread
ex) The cheese is a perfect complement to the sourdough.
チーズは サワードウ・パンの味を 引き立てる
sourdough /ˈsawɚˌdoʊ/: a type of dough that is allowed to ferment before it is baked and that has a slightly sour taste
ex) One common problem that many sourdough home bakers have is that their bread crusts are too hard.
ex) Sweetened pastries are often described as bakers’ confectionery.
甘く味付けされた ペイストリーは 菓子パンとも表現される
pastry /ˈpeɪstri/: a small, baked food made from pastry
ex) She had a pastry and coffee for breakfast.
Q. Bread と Pastry の違いは何ですか?
A. パン (bread) は 水と小麦粉(flour) から成るパン生地 (dough) から作られますが、ペイストリー (pastry) の生地 (dough) には 牛乳や卵、砂糖を用います

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #971
□ patisserie ペイストリーとケーキの総称(パティセリー)、ケーキ店
ex) Level up your baking skills with our patisserie recipes.
私たちの ペーストリーのレシピを使って パン焼きの技術を 磨いて
patisserie /pəˈtɪsəri/: a shop that sells cakes, cookies, etc.
ex) The patisserie is a high-end French artisanal bakery that sells freshly baked French bread.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #972
□ artisanal 職人の、技工の
ex) Order artisanal bread and rolls from the bakerly.
職人の手による パンとロールパンを 注文して
artisanal /ärˈtēzən(ə)l/: relating to or characteristic of an artisan
ex) There is an artisan bread bakery founded and rooted in the Bay Area.
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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #698
□ flaky (パンやお菓子の生地が)パイ状・パイ生地の、フレーク状の
ex) They serve flaky bakery-style croissants.
ベーカリー・スタイルの フレーク状のクロワッサンを提供する
flaky /ˈfleɪki/: tending to form or break apart into thin pieces
ex) Flaky pastry is a layered pastry dough similar to puff pastry.
ex) It takes careful label reading to know the breads you’re buying.
あなたが買おうとしている パンの原材料表示を 注意して読んで
label /ˈleɪbəl/: a piece of paper, cloth, or similar material that is attached to something to identify or describe it
ex) You should read the warning label before you take any medicine.
ex) Is fermented or wild-yeasted good for guts?
酵母パンは 腸に優しいのですか?
ferment /fɚˈmɛnt/: to go through a chemical change that results in the production of alcohol
ex) Yeast ferments the sugar in the juice.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #122
□ preservative 保存料
ex) Our breads have no preservatives, so they are best the day you buy them.
私たちのパンは 保存料を用いていないので、買ったその日に食べるのが もっともよい
preservative /prɪˈzɚvətɪv/: a substance that is used to preserve something
ex) This food does not contain any artificial preservatives.
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