Time Clock 「タイムレコーダー・タイムカード」 を英語で表現
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Casual English Phrases – #139
□ time clock タイムレコーダー
ex) Minor time clock discrepancies are unavoidable.
タイムレコーダーと 実際の時間の 微妙な差異 は どうしても起きる
time clock /ˈklɑːk/: a special clock that is used to record the times when an employee starts and stops working
ex) A time clock makes time tracking a snap.
ex) It’s okay for your time clock to be a few minutes off from what your employees actually work.
タイムカード上の 実働勤務時間から 数分分を 切り捨てることが出来る
clock card machine /ˈklɑːk/: a recording clock used at places of business to record the hours worked by employees
ex) Clock card machine systems make keeping track of hours worked an easy task.
ex) Some employees are falsifying their time cards.
タイムカードを 偽造している 従業員が何人かいる
time card /ˈtaɪm/: a piece of paper or cardboard that is put into a special clock in order to record the times when an employee starts and stops working
ex) Don’t forget to punch your time card on your way out.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #008
□ falsify (情報など)偽造、変造する
ex) A healthcare practitioner falsified medical records.
開業医師が 医療記録を偽造した
falsify /ˈfɑːlsəˌfaɪ/: to make (something) false : to change (something) in order to make people believe something that is not true
ex) He was caught falsifying financial accounts.
Facebook で 毎日更新! – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000 - Click! して、「いいね!」 して
ex) Punch card time clocks track in and out punches.
タイムカード式の タイムレコーダーは (出勤・退出の)刻印を 計算する
punch /ˈpʌntʃ/: to make a hole in something with a special piece of equipment
ex) I was just punching holes in some sheets of paper.
Casual English Phrases – #140
□ missing punch タイムカードの押し忘れ = missed punch
ex) Can an employee add time to the current pay period for missing punches?
タイムカードの押し忘れ 分を、タイムカードに書き入れ、給与をもらうことは出来ますか?
ex) HR staff are having a terrible time with employees not punching in.
人事部 は従業員のタイムカードの押し忘れの処理に 手を焼いている
missed punches /ˈpʌntʃ/: If missed punches are enabled then an employee who forgot to clock in or out may record a missed punch and continue with the original transaction.
ex) Missing Punches are flagged by the system when an employee incorrectly completes a punch cycle.
Casual English Phrases – #141
□ punch in (出勤時)タイムカードを押す
ex) You have to punch in or you won’t get paid.
ex) I keep forgetting to punch myself in when I get into work.
出勤した時に タイムカードの押し忘れが 続いている
punch in /ˈpʌntʃ/: to stamp a time card, to officially record the beginning of a shift or day of work.
ex) We’d like to remind all employees that they will not be paid for any work they’ve done before they punch in.
ex) I’ll punch out at the regular time today.
今日は定時に オフィスを出るだろう
ex) Why didn’t you punch out when you left last night?
昨晩なぜ、タイムカードを 押さなかったの?
punch out /ˈpʌntʃ/: to stamp a time card, to officially record the end of a shift or day of work
ex) She’s going to stay behind for a little while, so she asked me to punch her out.
ex) Every employee has to clock in and clock out at work.
全ての従業員は 出勤時と 退社時に タイムレコーダーを押さなければならない
clock in /ˈklɑːk/: to record on a special card the time that you start working
ex) I clocked in 10 minutes late.
* Clock in は イギリス英語、Punch in は アメリカ英語です
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #004
□ off the clock 給与無しの 時間外勤務
ex) It is the unwritten rule that we work off-the-clock in order to complete job tasks.
任務を果たすために 残業代なしで 時間外勤務を行なうことが 暗黙の了解になっている
off the clock /ˈklɑːk/: overtime without extra compensation
ex) She often has to work off-the-clock.
Time Clock 「タイムレコーダー・タイムカード」に 関連する英語表現をチェックしよう!
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courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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