Plead Guilty「有罪・無罪」 を英語で表現 – 熟語・スラング & 英語フレーズ 4,000

Plead Guilty「有罪・無罪」を英語で表現



英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000

Advanced English Expressions – #1,165

enter a plea of guilty    有罪の申し立てをする
ex) You may enter a plea of not guilty or guilty.

enter a plea of guilty: When a person is arrested for a crime, they must enter a plea of guilt or innocence
before their attorney can create a defense and a trial can start.

plead guilty   有罪を認める
ex) Should I just plead guilty to shoplifting?
万引きの罪だけは 認めるべきであろうか?

plead not guilty 無罪を主張する
ex) He pleaded not guilty.

plead /ˈpliːd/: to try to prove (a case) in a court of law
ex) She couldn’t afford a lawyer to plead her case.

be proven innocent 無罪であると証明される
ex) A person accused of a crime is considered innocent until proven guilty.
有罪が証明されるまで 被疑者は 無罪であると考えられる

innocent /ˈɪnəsənt/: not guilty of a crime or other wrong act
ex) He says that he is innocent of the crime.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000

Advanced English Expressions – #1,166

exculpate   (…を)無罪にする、… の無罪を証明する
ex) The court exculpated him after a thorough investigation.

exculpate /ˈɛkˌskʌlˌpeɪt/: to prove that someone is not guilty of doing something wrong
ex) The article exculpated the mayor

prove one’s guilt 有罪を立証する
ex) How do prosecutors try to prove guilt?
検察は どうやって 有罪を立証するの

guilt /ˈgɪlt/: responsibility for a crime or for doing something bad or wrong
ex) A principle that requires the government to prove the guilt of a criminal defendant and relieves the defendant of any burden to prove his or her innocence.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000

Advanced English Expressions – #244

convict 有罪判決を下す
ex) There is sufficient evidence to convict.
有罪を立証するに 十分な証拠がある

convict /kənˈvɪkt/: to prove that someone is guilty of a crime in a court of law
ex) The jury convicted them on three counts of fraud.

conviction 有罪判決
ex) In light of the evidence, a conviction seems certain.
証拠の観点から見ると 有罪判決が 確定のように思える

conviction /kənˈvɪkʃən/: the act of proving that a person is guilty of a crime in a court of law
ex) She hopes to avoid conviction.

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be found guilty 有罪になる
ex) He was found guilty of two counts each of theft.
2件の 窃盗罪で有罪となった

guilty /ˈgɪlti/: responsible for committing a crime or doing something bad or wrong
ex) Do you think he’s innocent or guilty?

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000

Advanced English Expressions – #350

ex) The jury acquitted the defendant because there wasn’t enough evidence to convict him of the crime.
陪審は 証拠不十分のため 被告に 無罪判決を言い渡した

acquit /əˈkwɪt/: to decide that someone is not guilty of a crime
ex) She was acquitted of the murder of her husband. = She was acquitted of murdering her husband.

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Court - Trial Case - Bail -「裁判・判決・有罪」 を英語で表現 - 英会話例文集 - 英会話 個人レッスン - MyPace English
英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Court – Trial Case – 「裁判・判決・有罪」 MyPace English の英会話講師たちが 集まって、毎週少しづつ、英語例文

