be Taken Aback – 「驚く、びっくりする」

アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #110
□ be taken aback 驚く、びっくりする、不意を突かれる
ex) We were taken aback by his irrational opinions.
彼の 非合理的な 意見に驚かされた
ex) I was a little taken aback at the directness in his speech.
彼の 話しの 単刀直入さには 少々驚いた
taken aback /əˈbæk/: startled, astonished, shocked, or disconcerted.
ex) When I told him my answer, he seemed taken aback.
ex) It took me aback to know that he was starting a new business.
take aback /əˈbæk/: surprise, shock
ex) He was taken aback by her caustic remark.
ex) It staggers us that our superior has left the issue untouched.
上司がその問題に 手を付けないでいるごことに驚いている
ex) I staggered everyone by suddenly announcing my engagement.
stagger [ˈstaɡər]: astonish or deeply shock
ex) I was staggered to find it was six o’clock

アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #111
□ staggering 驚くべき、驚くほどの
ex) He spent staggering amount of money.
彼は 驚くほどの額の金銭を 消費した
staggering[ˈstaɡəriNG]: deeply shocking; astonishing.
ex) A staggering 80 percent of college students do not report the crime to police.
ex) I was startled to see the broken car moving so fast.
その壊れた車が 速く走るのを見て 驚いた
startle /ˈstɑɚtl̟/: to surprise or frighten (someone) suddenly and usually not seriously
ex) The noise startled me.
ex) One of the most startling facts about U.S. jails is that more than half of their occupants are awaiting trial.
アメリカの刑務所の 驚くべき事実の一つは、半数以上の収監者が 裁判待ちであるということだ
startling /ˈstɑɚtl̟ɪŋ/: very surprising, shocking, or frightening
ex) He made a startling discovery/revelation.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #045
□ mind-blowing 驚きの、驚くべき
ex) No amount of knowledge can prepare your for these utterly mind-blowing facts.
この衝撃的な事実に どんなに知識のある人でも 驚くであろう
mind–blowing /ˈmaɪndˌblowɪŋ/: very confusing, exciting, or shocking
ex) The power of her performance was positively mind-blowing.
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