Leap of Faith – 「やみくもな信頼」 – アメリカのスラング & カジュアル英語表現 2,000 を英語で表現
Casual English Phrases – #136
□ leap of faith やみくもな信頼
ex) It takes/requires a leap of faith to believe that this project can succeed.
このプロジェクトが 成功しうると 信じることは かなり やみくもな 思い込みだ
leap of faith /ˈliːp/: an act of believing in or attempting something whose existence or outcome cannot be proved.
ex) Anyone investing in new media today has to make a leap of faith.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #179
□ by leaps and bounds とんとん拍子で
ex) We are progressing by leaps and bounds.
とんとん拍子で 前進している
by leaps and bounds /ˈbaʊnd/: something is making extraordinarily rapid progress
ex) The company has been growing by leaps and bounds over the past year.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #628
□ allegiance (国家や 支配者に対して)忠実、義務
ex) I pledge allegiance to my country.
= I promise to be loyal to my country.
allegiance /əˈliːʤəns/: loyalty to a person, country, group, etc.
ex) He owes allegiance to them for all the help they have given him.
Facebook で 毎日更新! – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000 - Click! して、「いいね!」 して
ex) He said my story was on the level.
彼は 私の話しが信頼できると言った
on the level /ˈlɛvəl/: not false or dishonest
ex) Is this guy on the level?
= Is this guy honest?
Casual English Phrases – #137
□ tried-and-true 信頼できる、絶対に確実な
ex) Why don’t you try these tried-and-true recipes.
これらの信頼できるレシピを 試してみて
tried–and–true /ˈtruː/: known to be good or effective : known to be reliable
ex) Chicken soup is a tried-and-true remedy for colds.
ex) The team’s defense is very solid.
そのチームのディフェンスは 信頼できる(しっかりしている)
solid /ˈsɑːləd/ : good and able to be trusted to do or provide what is needed
ex) She gave a solid performance.
Casual English Phrases – #138
□ hold water (説明など)信頼できる、理屈に合う
ex) His theory cannot hold water. = His theory is wrong.
彼の論理は 信頼できるものではない
hold water /ˈwɑːtɚ/: to be possible or believable — usually used in negative statements
ex) Her argument doesn’t hold water. = does not make sense
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #126
□ straight dope 信頼できる情報、正しい情報
ex) He gave us the straight dope.
straight dope /ˈdoʊp/: the true information
ex) I just feel like these doctors are never giving me the straight dope about her condition.
Leap of Faith – 「やみくもな信頼」に 関連する英語表現をチェックしよう!