Cashier – Checkout – 「レジで支払う・精算する」 – 英会話フレーズ集 for Moms

Vocabulary for Moms

英会話 例文集 for Moms > Cashier – Checkout – 「レジで支払う・精算する」

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子育て、日常の買い物から、バカンス・ショッピングまで。 女性の日常英会話で よく取り上げられるトピックから、知っておくと便利な 表現をピックアップしてみました。

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Cashier – Checkout – 「レジで支払う・精算する」


supermarket trolley スーパーマーケットのショッピング・カート
ex) A double basket shopping trolley makes shopping and transporting more convenient.
2段式のショッピングカートは 買い物と 移動を より便利にする

(英) trolley / (米) cart

trolley /ˈtrɑːli/: a metal basket on wheels used to hold groceries while you are shopping
ex) Let’s get a shopping trolley.

shopping basket 買い物用のかご
ex) These hand-held plastic shopping baskets are durable and crack resistance.
手提げ型の プラスチック買い物かごは 長持ちし、ひび割れ防止使用になっている

basket /ˈbæskɪt/: a container usually made by weaving together long thin pieces of material
ex) The shopping baskets stack easily by themselves or in the basket stand.

スーパーのレジで 買い物を精算する

cash register 店のレジ(機械)、金銭登録器
ex) Sometimes the cash register isn’t balancing.
時々 レジの計算(差引勘定)が合わない

cash register: a machine used in a store, restaurant, etc., that calculates the amount of cash due for a sale and has a drawer for holding money
ex) She works at the register in a grocery store.

cashier レジ係の人
ex) Keeping transactions straight can be a challenge for a cashier when the supermarket is busy.
スーパーマーケットの混雑時に レジ係の人が 会計処理を間違えなく行なう事は 難しい

cashier /kæˈʃiɚ/: a person whose job is to take in or give out money in a store, bank, etc.
ex) A cashier‘s primary role is to assist customers in the in-store check-out process.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,338

ring up レジで会計をする
ex) “I can ring you up over here.”
こちらで 会計を承ります

ring up /ˈrɪŋ/: to use a special machine (called a cash register) to calculate the cost of (something, such as goods or services)
ex) The cashier rang up our purchases.

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Casual English Phrases – #354

checkout   レジの会計
ex) I’m in line at the checkout.
レジでの会計を待って 列に並んでいる

ex) I’m being checked out.

checkout /ˈtʃɛkˌaʊt/: the place or area where goods are paid for in a store (such as a supermarket)
ex) There was a long line at the checkout.
レジの会計に 長蛇の列が出来ていた

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Casual English Phrases – #921

self-checkout machine セルフレジ
ex) They’ve installed self-checkout machines in their supermarket.
スーパーマーケットに セルフレジが設置されている

cf) I’m waiting in the self-checkout lane.
セルフレジの列に 並んで待っている

self-checkout /ˈtʃɛkˌaʊt/: a system whereby customers can scan goods themselves and pay without a cashier in a supermarket or other shop
ex) Why do people still choose to wait in long lines for a cashier rather than the self-checkout that is virtually empty most of the time?

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unload 商品を買い物かごから 出す
ex) Unload your items from the cart to the conveyor belt at checkout.
カートから 商品を出して、レジ前の コンベアーに乗せて

packer (会計の後)袋詰めを 手伝う係の人 = bagger
ex) There is no packer at the check-out station that I’m on.
自分のレジのエリアに 袋詰め 係の人がいない

packer /ˈpækɚ/: a person or company that prepares and packages products and sends them to people or stores
ex) She worked as a packer for a candy company.

come to (買い物など)合計になる
ex) How much does it come to?

come to: to be a particular amount or number after a mathematical calculation
ex) The total cost came to $52.
合計金額は 52ドルになります

体験レッスンを 365日 受付中。 各エリア 残席僅か。 急いで!

conveyor belt レジの前にある 商品を乗せるベルトコンベアー
ex) Put your groceries on the conveyor.

conveyor/kənˈvejɚ/: someone or something that conveys something: a long strip of material (such as canvas or rubber) that moves continuously and carries objects (such as packages or luggage) from one place to another
ex) In grocery stores, there may be another conveyer belt on the other side of the cashier to send the groceries down to the person bagging groceries.

divider (商品を分ける)仕切り棒
ex) Put the grocery divider on the conveyor belt.
コンベアーの上に 商品を分ける 仕切り棒 を置いて

divider /dəˈvaɪdɚ/: a thing that keeps two spaces or areas separate
ex) A checkout divider is a bar meant for placement between items on a conveyor belt at a checkout in a supermarket.

card machine  クレジット端末
ex) The card machine doesn’t swallow my credit card.
クレジット端末が 私のクレジットカードを 受け付けない

card machine /məˈʃiːn/: any type of device that handles credit or debit cards, but generally refers to terminals that are required in transactions where a card payment is made
ex) Hold down the clear button and the punctuation button at the same time for 3-5 seconds, until the terminal turns off.

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