Have a Knock Back – 「酒を飲む」 を英語で表現

Casual English Phrases – #068
□ have a knock back お酒を飲む
ex) I just got a knock back from that bar.
バーで一杯 飲んできた
□ knock back お酒を飲む
ex) We knocked back a few drinks before the concert.
knock (something) back /ˈnɑːk/: to drink or swallow (an alcoholic drink) quickly
ex) He stopped at a bar after work to knock back a few beers.
ex) I drink wine, but not hard liquor.
ワインは 飲むが、強い酒は飲まない
cf) I don’t like hard stuff, but I like sparkling wine.
強い酒は 好きではないが、スパークリングワインは好きだ
hard liquor /ˈlɪkɚ/ : an alcoholic beverage that is distilled rather than fermented
ex) Quite distinct from other fermented alcoholic beverages, hard liquor goes through distillation.
Casual English Phrases – #035
□ booze お酒
ex) I considered going this year off the booze.
ex) Are you getting booze tonight?
booze /ˈbuːz/: alcoholic beverage
ex) We bought some chips and booze for the party.
ex) I don’t touch spirits.
spirit /ˈspirət/ : (pl.) strong alcoholic drinks
ex) The store sells wines and spirits.

Casual English Phrases – #069
□ knock over a drink 一気に飲み干す
ex)She knocked the vodka over in two swallows.
彼女はウオッカを 2口で飲み干した
knock over a drink /ˈnɑːk/ : to drink an alcoholic one quickly, and often in large amounts
ex) Why is my cat obsessed with knocking over cups of water?
ex) Tow guys were rushed to hospital after the drinking spree.
どんちゃん騒ぎの 後、2名が病院に運ばれた
spree /ˈspriː/: a short period of time when you do a lot of something
ex) It was a 10 day drinking spree of like 12 beers every night.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #188
□ shopping spree 買い漁り
ex) Your shopping spree never ends.
spree /ˈspriː/: a short period of time when you do a lot of something
ex) A person who comes home after a day-long shopping spree may start feeling guilty.
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