Skimpy – 「少ない、不十分な」を英語で表現
Casual English Phrases – #051
□ skimpy 不十分な、量が少ない
ex) The skimpy rain coat won’t cover you up.
その 小さなレインコートでは 体を全部覆えない
ex) The half tuna sandwiches which I had were skimpy.
ハーフサイズのツナサンドは 量が少なかった
skimpy /ˈskɪmpi/: very small in size or amount
ex) My food was good, very tasty, however the portions are skimpy.
□ a sprinkling of … 少量の…
ex) Everyone needs a sprinkling of common sense.
誰にでも 最低限の常識は必要だ
sprinkling (sprĭng′klĭng): a small quantity scattered or sparsely distributed
ex) We had a sprinkling of snow. Although I wished for lots of snow, but wishing did no good
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Casual English Phrases – #023
□ nickel-and-dime (形) ささいな、わずかな、少額の
ex) They earn billions from these nickel-and-dime tactics.
少額を稼ぐようなささいな戦略を用いて 彼らは大金を稼いでいる
nickel–and–dime /ˌnɪkələnˈdaɪm/: involving, making, or spending a small amount of money
ex) They charged us a nickel-and-dime fee.
□ a shred of ひとかけらの (通常否定形を伴う)
ex) There’s not a shred of truth in his story.
彼の話には 真実のかけらもない
shred /ˈʃrɛd/: a very small amount of something
ex) He struggled to retain a shred of his dignity.
Casual English Phrases – #052
□ a lick of … 少量の…
ex) You ain’t got a lick of honest!
誠実さのかけらも ないね!
ex) He doesn’t make a lick of sense.
彼の話しは 意味をなしていない
lick /ˈlɪk/: a small amount : bit
ex) It just needs a lick of paint.
Skimpy – 「少ない、不十分な」に 関連する英語表現をチェックしよう!

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