Fare Vending Machine – 「切符・定期券」を英語で表現
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ex) The commuter monthly pass allows you to come and go—all for the best price.
1か月有効の 定期券は どこへ移動する際も 最適な料金を提供します
commuter /kəˈmjuːt/: a person who commutes (as between a suburb and a city)
ex) Commuter Pass is nontransferable and is only valid for passholder travel.

アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #208
□ fare beater 無賃乗車者
ex) Every transit network has its fare beaters, the riders who view payment as either optional or prohibitively expensive.
切符購入は オプション、または 法外に高いもの と考える 無賃乗車者は どの公共交通網にも 存在する
fare beater = fare cheater – fare evader: a person who illegally avoids paying a fare
ex) If you are found without a ticket on a train, you’ll be considered a fare beater.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #108
□ prohibitive (値段が)法外に高い
ex) We wouldn’t be able to pay the prohibitive cost of rent.
そんな法外に高い家賃は 払えないであろう
prohibitive /proʊˈhɪbətɪv/: so high that people are prevented from using or buying something
ex) The price was prohibitive. (= too high)
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ex) Some riders gets a little satisfaction from cheating the railroad fare.
無賃乗車により ちょっとした満足感を得る 乗客もいる
fare /ˈfeɚ/: the money a person pays to travel on a bus, train, boat, or airplane or in a taxi
ex) Some passengers beat the fare.
ex) Why is our Transit leaking money through fare cheating?
何故 この街の公共輸送機関は 不正乗車により利益を垂れ流しているのか?
an act of cheating: a fraud or swindle
ex) Fare cheating often increases when there’s been a fare change.

ex) I received a $100 ticket for hopping the turnstile.
改札を無視して 入場し、100ドルの罰金を取られた
turnstile /ˈtɚnˌstajəl/: a gate at an entrance that has arms which turn around and that allows only one person at a time to pass through
ex) Walk through when the turnstile screen says “Go.”
ex) You can buy a one-way ticket or an all day/round trip ticket for the subway.
地下鉄用の 片道切符か 1日有効の 往復切符が購入できる
round-trip ticket: a ticket to a place and back (usually over the same route) return ticket
ex) All round trip tickets are good for one year from the date of sale.

fare vending machines
□ fare vending machine 切符の自動販売機
ex) Fare vending machines are located at each rail station.
各鉄道駅に 切符の自動販売機が設置されている
vending machine /məˈʃiːn/: automated machine that provides items such as snacks, beverages or tickets
ex) A vending machine can be found in the back of Central Station.

□ stub (切符や入場券などの)半券
ex) I showed them the baggage stub and they were able to find out where the bags were by scanning the stub.
荷物引換証の半券を見せると それをスキャンすることによって 荷物のある場所を探し当てた
ex) We have two tear-off stubs on our train tickets.
切符には 2か所 半券用 切り取り線 がついています
stub /ˈstʌb/: a part of a ticket that is kept by the person who uses the ticket
ex) Hold onto your ticket stub in case you leave the theater and want to come back in again.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #915
□ tear-off (ミシン目になった)切り取り部分
ex) Tickets with tear-off stubs are perfect for sports events.
ミシン目の切り取り線のある 半券付き チケットは スポーツイベントに最適である
tear-off /ˈterˌôf/: denoting something that is removed by being torn off, typically along a perforated line.
ex) Our tear-off cards are great for large event tickets or a marketing campaign that requires a tear off portion.
Fare Vending Machine – 「切符・定期券」を英語で表現に 関連する英語表現をチェックしよう!
