Shoelace – Lace Up a Shoe – 「靴紐(くつひも)を結ぶ」を英語で表現
ex) Shoe lacing techniques can help with shoe fit problems.
靴ひもの通し方を知ることは シュー・フィッティングに役立つ
shoelace /ˈʃuːˌleɪs/: a long, thin material like a string that is used for fastening a shoe
ex) Tie your shoelaces.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #411
□ on a shoestring 僅かな予算で
ex) The movie was made on a shoestring.
その映画は 低予算で作られた
shoestring /ˈʃuːˌstrɪŋ/: a small amount of money — usually used in the phrase on a shoestring
ex) The newspaper operates on a shoestring.
ex) Lace up from the bottom of the next-to-last eyelet.
一番下から、上から二番目までの 穴に 靴ひもを通して
lace /ˈleɪs/: to pull a lace through the holes of (a shoe, boot, etc.)
ex) She was lacing (up) her shoes.
ex) The eyelet embroidery make this sneaker a charming pick.
刺繍を施した 靴ひもの小穴は このスニーカーを 魅力的な選択にする
eyelet /ˈaɪlət/: a small hole or opening in a material (such as cloth or leather) for a string or rope to pass through
ex) Sneakers are made out of leather and won’t fray from the eyelet holes.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,280
□ tug on … … を強く引っ張る
ex) Tug on the lace that’s shorter.
短い方の 靴紐を 強く引っ張って
tug /ˈtʌg/: to pull something with a quick, forceful movement
ex) Try tying your shoelace, then either tug the sides of the shoe apart or give your shoe a bit of a shake.
□ pull through 紐を通す
ex) Pull the lace up through the right eyelet.
右の小穴に 靴ひもを通して
ex) Push the threaded needle up through the fabric.
糸を通した針を 布地に(下から)上へ 押し通して
pull /ˈpʊl/: to hold onto and move … in a particular direction and especially toward yourself
ex) Turn the work over to the wrong side and pull up the thread tail.

tying shoelaces
□ tie 靴の紐を結ぶ
ex) There are several different ways to tie shoelaces.
幾通り かの 靴ひもの 結び方がある
tie /ˈtaɪ/: : to pass (something, such as a string, ribbon, or rope) around itself in a way that attaches it to something or holds it in place : to make a knot or bow in (something)
ex) He tied (up) his shoelaces/necktie.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 1,000
Casual English Phrases – #260
□ tie up the loose ends 未決事項を片付ける
ex) The project is almost complete, but we still have a few loose ends to tie up.
そのプロジェクトは ほとんど完成しているが、いくつか未決事項を 解決する必要がある
loose end: a part of something (such as a job or story) that has not been completed
ex) We still have one more loose end to deal with before we’re finished with the project.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #706
□ taut (糸・紐など)ピンと張った
ex) Tug on the shorter lace to make it taut.
短い方の靴紐を引っ張って ピンと張った状態にしましょう
taut /ˈtɑːt/: not loose or slack
ex) Have your child pull each side of the loose rope taut and keep tension on it.
ex) To start, undo the knot if your shoe is tied.
まず初めに 結ばれている 靴ひもを ほどきましょう
undo /ˌʌnˈduː/: to unfasten or loosen
ex) Shoelace bows tend to come undone.
□ thread v. 針に糸を通す
ex) Thread the lace through the eyelets at the bottom.
thread /ˈθrɛd/: to put a thread, string, rope, etc., through a hole in something
ex) She threaded her shoelace through the holes.
ex) Stop the fraying of the end of a shoe lace roll.
靴ひも 両端が ほつれて丸まるのを 止めよう
fray /ˈfreɪ/: to cause (a cloth or other material) to become worn down at the end or edge : to separate the threads of (a material)
ex) When the ends of your shoelaces fray, it’s tempting to get a new pair of laces to make your shoes look smart.
Shoes Fit – Ill-Fitting – 「靴を履く・シューズ・靴の試着」を英語で表現 – に 関連する英語表現をチェックしよう!

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